你想把你的创意变成成功的生意吗? Do you have a
管理金钱和/或人的诀窍? 你想了解企业和非营利组织是如何结合的吗
能有效率地运作吗? 如果是这样,你可能会对这个领域感兴趣
of Business and Entrepreneurship. 探索我们的程序,找到一个是正确的
for you.
do? 你对这个世界好奇吗?为什么事情是这样的? Do you ever
wonder how ideas shape societies? 如果是这样,你可能会对文化,社会,
and Human Behavior. 探索我们的课程,找到最适合你的.
Do you find joy in helping others? 如果是这样的话你可以考虑一下我们的医保
Wellness, and Public Service courses. Do you want to work with children? Counsel people
with addiction? Work in the justice system? 帮助人们找到自信和健康
in moving their bodies? Work in nursing? 或操作医学成像技术? Explore
our different programs here.
Are you creative? Do you like working with your hands? Are you in your element when
你在设计、建造、制造和修理东西? Do you like hair and make
up? Cars? Cooking? Interior design? Ocean diving? If so, our programs in Industry
你对自然界及其运作方式感到好奇吗? Do you like patterns and
puzzles? 是你把烤面包机拆开的吗? If so, you might be interested
in Nature, Numbers, and Engineering. 在这里,你会学到电流背后的基础科学
problems. 探索我们的项目,找到一个适合你的.
Do you feel the drive to create? Tell stories? Report on current events? Do you like
to sing, dance, act, or paint? Take photographs or produce movies? Design websites
or make prints by hand? 如果是这样,视觉、媒体和表演艺术可能适合你.